
Most of us take out loans to pay for a house that has already seen its best when the money is finally paid back. Or rent a house and pay a hefty sum every month. Yet the best, most healthy and durable building materials are often very cheap or free.

How amazing that we can build houses without loans where numerous future generations can still live in after we die. What a gift to give children. A free house that is still almost as good as when it was first built. With possibility to modify things without machines, a lot of money or craftsmen.

Nature provided us with all we need. We just got so used to buying that we forget the gold that is provided for free.


My name is Jannes and amongst other things I love nature and efficiency. Because housing has been the biggest expense for most of my independant life. It became my interest to search alternative solutions. My personal housing started out with buying an old wooden house because it was not considered expensive compared to most others on the market. Yet as I soon discovered, the notary office and especially the bank ask ludicrous fees for their services. Yet as most people do this just the same I continued. So the 120.000 house would cost 195.000 in the end. And basicly I bought land, the house itself was old and cheaply built. So I started tearing the old interior. Planning to bring the house back to life. All in all I spend over 80.000 euro’s and all my free time while also working full time paying for all these expenses + paying back the loan.

3 years in I was completely exhausted and still not finished. Partly because I wanted to do it too perfect and beautifull. But mainly because having to pay for it all took so much of my time. I decided this project was not making me happy and I wanted a different life for myself.

And so the journey of looking into natural and alternative ways of building began.
